This webpage has a host of ideas and links, do read through it prayerfully asking God to guide you to a practice which will be life-giving to you. We encourage you to think communally too - can you take up a new practice as a family, with a friend or as a Connect Group - when we take up something together, we are so much more likely to keep it up!


Start simply

You might like to take up a small prayer practice which brings prayer into your everyday life:

  • Win the day - when you wake up don’t look at your phone, but instead spend 10 minutes first in prayer to God (maybe reading a short bit of the Bible to inspire you). Ask God to be with you and guide you in the day ahead.

  • Pray whenever you drive or walk - maybe praying for whatever you are travelling to and reflecting on/offering to God what you are leaving behind.

  • Pray with friends - make a habit of praying at the ends of coffee with friends, phone calls, WhatsApps, Zoom and Facetime. With Christian friends and, if you’re brave, with everyone!

  • Share prayer answers - make a note of every answer to prayer and share each one with someone else. Pray that God might show you who might be blessed by hearing of His answered prayer.

  • Share what God is saying - if you feel you have a picture, word or impression which is for the wider church, please do drop Simon an email using

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The classic prayer habits

Here are some habits of prayer which have given life to Christians down the ages. Each with a link to a helpful information sheet on the practice from the Prayer Course website.

  • Have a quiet time - a time each day to spend with God free of distractions conversing with him through the Bible and prayer. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • Praying for others - regularly bringing others before God in an organised way using a prayer list. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • Prayer Journal - write down your prayers and thoughts. Listen to God as you write about him and what he has said to you. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • Fasting - the practice of giving something up regularly (normally food) to turn our gaze on God. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • Prayer walking - regularly praying for your community as you walk. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • The Examen - a time to look over each day with God in thanks and prayer. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • Lectio365 - an app to help you pray, reflect and read scripture daily. Interested? More information can be found here.

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Stretching ourselves

Some prayer habits from the Prayer Course website which might stretch us in new directions.

  • Practising the presence of God - seeking to be aware of the presence of God throughout the day, whatever you are doing. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • Praying big prayers - praying for large-scale crises and big issues can seem beyond us, find guidance on praying for a large-scale crisis here.

  • Lament - crying out to God for how our world is and for unanswered prayer. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • Silent Prayer - finding God and His power in being silent before him. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • Christian meditation - using our imagination in prayer to gaze upon God and His love. Interested? Check out this guide.

  • And so much more… why not explore the Toolshed section of the Prayer Course website for more ideas.

Prayer resources

For more general pointers to books, talks and resources on prayer, check-out the Prayer section in our ‘Going Deeper’ area of the website.