Going deeper… prayer

Recently we enjoyed learning about prayer through the Prayer Course and the accompanying book How to Pray? by Pete Greig.  If you were not with us at the time, they come thoroughly recommended as a great general introduction to the subject of prayer.  The course website also has a tool shed section which provides worksheets on the different types of prayer mentioned in the course.  The lessons of the course are put to good use practically in the Lectio365 app.

If you want to explore the landscape of prayer more you might like to try Richard Foster’s book on Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home.  This book, like How to Pray? maps out the landscape of prayer, but in more detail and with a deeper link to the history of Christian prayer.  Foster explores 21 different areas of prayer with a slightly more formal, but still personal and accessible style. 

Suggested talks

The ‘Who am I becoming?’ series didn’t cover prayer as we had recently followed the Prayer Course as our Sunday sermon series. We thoroughly recommend exploring these talks and all the Prayer Course resources.