Ride and Stride 2019

Ride & Stride 2019 - Update and Thanks

Many thanks to all who were involved with Oxford Historic Churches Trust's recent Ride & Stride fundraising event. 13 welcomed 19 StRiders and 4 other visitors and Elizabeth Knowles and David Eaton, from the 8am congregation, put in another huge effort again this year. David cycled 45 miles, visiting 36 churches in the area north and east of Witney. Elizabeth did an incredible 15 walks 4th June - 14th Sept, covering over 90 miles and 40 churches!

The sponsorship the StRiders raise is divided equally between the church of their choice (Elizabeth and David have both kindly chosen Cogges) and the OHCT for its grant fund. Cogges has benefitted from OHCT grants in the past and this year we have been awarded a generous grant towards the church roof repairs.

If you were unable to join in Ride & Stride this year but would like to sponsor our StRiders, all donations would be very welcome. Please use: uk.virginmoneygiving.com/DavidEaton11 or donations can be handed into the church office, marked ‘Ride & Stride Coordinator’

Ride & Stride Event - 14th September 2019 

For many years we have supported the Ride and Stride organised by the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust (OHCT) who raise monies to pay for repairs to churches like ours. We are looking for volunteers to come forward to raise sponsorship, either by riding their bikes or walking to visit churches. Sponsorship is based on the number of churches visited and of any monies raised, 50% will go to our church and 50% to the OHCT. There are many interesting churches within easy travelling distance of Witney and on the day, most have welcomers to show you their church and provide Riders and Striders with refreshments. Those who take part find it an enjoyable and rewarding event. We regularly see families from other churches taking part, so parents an opportunity for you to have some healthy exercise with your children!

It will be good to have several Riders, Striders and Welcomers from each of our congregations. You may like to plan a route with a group of friends and make a day of it.  Nearer the time a rota will be put out for welcomers to sign up for the one hour slots. Sponsorship forms will be made available in church in due course. We can also provide suggested routes.

This is an important year as the PCC are seeking to raise money for essential repairs to our historic church.  Phase 1 of the roof will cost about £150k (for the nave and chapel). A few grants have come in, including one from the OHCT, who have given us £12k towards the roof. The PCC are very grateful for the generosity of the parish, which has raised an amazing £85k from pledges and donations. However we are still short for this phase by about £45k, therefore we would still like to encourage as many people as possible to take part in this most worthwhile and fun event. To help extend the sponsorship circle, one of our regular StRiders asks friends, colleagues and families from further afield to sponsor them, which you might also consider.

Further information can be found at ohct.org.uk/ride-stide/ including online sponsorship through ‘Virgin money giving’.

David Eaton and Ros Wait are this years organisers, please do get in touch with them for further information.